Logo Design Challenges: Let's Un-complicate the Process

Logo design is considered as a very problem less and fun profession to others. Most people feel that logo designers only work with some fonts & colors. There is not much trouble for them, right? After all, they aren’t designing 15-20 web pages for a website like the website designers!
Opposite to this common belief, running a business logo design company is no easy task. The logo designers face their own type of troublesome hectic in their job. These may vary from copyright issues to technical difficulties to meeting client's requirements; every logo designer faces different sort of challenges on daily basis. Following are some major designing issues/problems that can be too difficult to handle, if you don't take timely & proper actions.

·         Get a complete grasp of Software knowledge!

 A good professional logo designer has a grasp over the complete knowledge of different design software. Every designer likes particular software on which he designs on regular basis and are most comfortable with it to use. But the problem comes when the client demands any specific software that he wants the designer to use. Like if he’s asking to design a logo on Adobe Illustrator and the designer is not too comfortable with it then he may lose that project. So in order to fulfill the client's demands, you should be proficient enough to work in all the popular design software. If you’re unable to work on any other software, at least ensure that your file is compatible with the customer choice software.    
  Some clients are not easy to handle at all!

 Some clients have their own concept about how their logo should appear. Then not only provide the designer a basic concept of what he wants, but they forces the designer to design the logo exactly the way he desires it to be. You will have no choice here to express your own creativity because of these strict rules the client imposes on you.

·         Don't let a communication gap make its place!

Sometimes a communication gap makes its place between a designer and his client. Clients assume that he has nothing to invest in the project ideas because he hired a very professional logo designer. Some designers believe that only the initial demands from the client regarding the designing project is enough. They only reveal the logo to the client once it's designed completely. But, that's not the ideal professional way to design project. Ask him for his feedback at every stage or if he needs any changes. This can make him happy & satisfied

·         You just can’t ignore the Copyright issues!

Sometimes the designers copy other brand's logo. They appear like they have influenced by some any famous logo. If your logo is too identical, it's certainly a crime. Sometimes it’s intentional and sometimes it’s not. However, due to huge fines & strict copyright laws, be careful about the factors you pick in your design project. While selecting shape, color and font for your design, do some research on the internet regarding copyright issues. If the fonts and shapes are available freely, you can freely use them in your custom logo design.

No matter what’s the project, make the client trust you & your skills. Try to make him believe that he’s dealing with an expert. If you enjoy taking challenges then you will prosper in this career.


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